But had the late spring done for them? Well we are delighted to say no. After a faltering start, the odd bumble bee here or there, the garden is now pretty much as busy as ever.
Hopefully we all know that the bees, all varieties, are crucial to humans and their food. Without the pollination they accidentally carry out as they feed, many of our foods would fail: including all the lovely fruits. The worrying thing is that the bee is suffering and under attack from loss of habitat and pesticides and herbicides, monocultural crops and more. Almost all of it due to us. So the least we can do (and really this is just enlightened self-interest) is to help where we can. There are lots of good initiatives to grow more bee and butterfly bee friendly plants, and Friends of the Earth have started their Bee Cause campaign. You can find out more from the links below. If you really want to know more then seek out Brigit "Bee" Strawbridge who is a passionate and well informed campaigner for the bumble and solitary bees.
Friends of the Earth - The Bee Cause (and go get a Bee Saver Kit today)
The Bumblebee Conservation Trust
Brigit Strawbridge's blog