Go Green is a business initiative aimed at helping and encouraging business to do more to be 'green'. Or if a business is already doing good stuff, to record it and then set a baseline and try and improve on it. For any businesses in the Bristol area its not only a good programme but the online tool it provides (for free) is really rich and easy to use.
The programme has three steps, "Say It", "Do It" and finally "Prove It". "Say It" was just committing to the principles -easy. We at Gorge View Cottage got to the "Do It" level pretty quickly, setting our targets which fit our size and type of business, and now we're there and just trying to find the time to record our outcomes (which gets us to the "Prove It" level. But time is so difficult to find!
Go Green is now expanding and covering the whole West of England area. So if you are out and about in Bristol or even living or working there, do look out for anyone sporting the Go Green logos and support them if you can. If you are a business and not already on-board then it is so easy, we suggest you just do it too.