We at Gorge View Cottage are committed to providing a high quality service which is delivered in a sustainable and socially responsible way, minimising our impact on the environment, and with care and thought given to every aspect of operation. Specifically we are committed to the following:
Mary & Huw Robson, since April 2012
- To minimise waste, pollution and emissions
- To minimise energy use and resulting carbon footprint
- To reduce the use of resources and in particular water
- To use natural and sustainably sourced materials wherever possible
- To continuously assess and seek to improve our environmental performance
- To keep abreast of advances in environmental policy, technology and practise
- To comply with environmental legislation and approved codes of practise
- To raise awareness with, and encourage participation from, all involved
- To expect and where appropriate require similar standards from suppliers
- To assist our guests to use the cottage in an environmentally sensitive way
- To liaise with and support the local community and to use local businesses
- To identify and minimise our risk associated with environmental and social issues
- To join and support leading organisations such as the Green Tourism Business Scheme
- To be open to suggestions on how we can improve things further
Mary & Huw Robson, since April 2012