As a result we are halting taking bookings: initially from March through April, but we'll review this. Those guests who have booked will be contacted and have the option to either cancel for a full refund, or postpone to a date later in the year, or even next year, with no penalty.
This is of course sad, because for those not looking for the shops and pubs, and Wells Cathedral and the Caves, there are the beautiful Mendip Hills and some brilliant walks. Not only good for physical and mental well-being, sustaining for the soul, but also some thing which is fundamentally an activity that meets "social distancing" requirements. The hills and the walks are something that is "normal", familiar, solid and takes in a landscape that is (tens of) thousands of years old (or more - I am not a geologist). The cottage is well isolated and we're cleaning it to exacting standards. For a few this could be just what is needed. But, still, we feel closing bookings for now is the right thing.
For anyone interested in staying, do follow the website and any further blogs, or indeed just get in touch.
Meanwhile, to all, we wish you well in coping with the strange, demanding and uncertain times. Stay well.
Huw & Mary